We hear about SEO on the internet without always knowing what it is. SEO (search Engine Optimisation) is to use a certain number of techniques in order to give visibility to a website on search engines. It means make a site to appear in the first pages (or even the first page), when only a user performs a search on a specific query. To be more clear, if you want to optimize the referencing of a hotel such as the Regina in Puy-en-Velay for example :), the objective will be to appear on the first page on queries of type:
-" hotel Puy-en-Velay"
-"hotel haute loire"
The purpose of SEO is therefore to reflect one or more pages in a site in the top results offered by search engines, when the user dials a query comprising relevant key words.
It is to noted that organic or natural results are quite different than the commercial results. Indeed we talk about organic results as part of an SEO natural and not paid and commercial results when the referrer is investing financially to appear on a query. Google Adwords is the main paid SEO tool.
Concerning SEO (search engine optimization) there are two types of factors to optimize the visibility of a site:
Internal factors at the site itself (one page):
-The pages must have a title
-Think to inform the meta tag
-Give a descriptions to images using the Alt attirbut
-Put the content of the site
-Rewrite URLs
-Develop a keyword-rich editorial content
-Prefer a simple and non-competitive domain name
External factors at the site (off page):
-The quantity of hyperlinking to the site (linking)
-The quality of these links (design of the link itself in html, quality of the transmitter site from this link...)
-Age of the site and the domain name
All these methods have only one final goal, to attract more leads to your website. More traffic a website will gain ,the higher page rank in search engines ,will get... This is what we call the virtuous circle.
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